Holographic digital twin aids infrastructure planning in Florida

Holographic digital twin aids infrastructure planning in Florida
A rendering of Orlando’s digital twin in use in the Orlando Marketing Center at the new Orlando Economic Partnership offices. (Courtesy Unity)

New holographic digital twin technology has been announced for three counties in the state of Florida to better enable utility infrastructure planning and decision making.

The Orlando Economic Partnership (the Partnership) is funding the fully realised digital twin that will showcase the entire region with input from multiple stakeholders.

The 3D tech is claimed by the Partnership as the first to allow users to incorporate real-time, interactive data that can help them map out different scenarios with climate change, infrastructure, available real estate and more.

The public-private organisation has hired Unity, a platform for creating and operating real-time 3D (RT3D) content, to create the digital twin project that will recreate 800 square miles of Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties in the state of Florida.

Different data sets, provided by investors, will allow companies, local governments and non-profits to visualise how their own plans will impact the region.

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With the new technology, areas of interest across industries, infrastructure connectivity and talent availability will be made accessible.

Utility companies and city planners will be able to map out proposed infrastructure improvements on a holographic display, which is currently under development.

Dave Rhodes, SVP of Digital Twins, Unity, said on the promise of the new technology: “Digital Twin technology unleashes the full power of data for better decision-making, but more importantly gives cities like Orlando the ability to plan and build for a smarter, safer and more sustainable reality.”

According to the partners, the project marks a first for digital twin technology, which has not previously mapped a large region.

The digital twin will be a dynamic virtual copy of a physical asset, process, system and environment that looks like and behaves identically to its real-world counterpart and will be displayed online.